Last week I had my last Muralist Training class with Dave McShane. We had to pick an actual wall in Philadelphia and design a theoretical mural for it. Typical themes for community murals are: social problems (anti-drug, anti-domestic violence), history, portraits of role models, education, health, religion, and sports. I was personally intrigued by how many horse and carriage pairs there are. I especially liked how in lots in the heart of the city there are horse stables. It just surprised me. There happen to be a stable near my boyfriend's work, so I chose an empty wall near there. I wanted it to seem like the horses were pulling the wall/building.
Mural drawing, 10" x 13", pencil on bristol paper, 2012.
The next step was to make a 5 ft x 5ft painting of a blown-up section of the drawing. I had this pretty much done in one week. I think I do want to work on it a little more. I definitely need to take new photos since the direct sunlight hitting the dark parts of the painting in this photo make it look sort of dull. I'm going to mount this on plywood and frame it before the class' show in June.
Pull, 60" x 60", acrylic on this weird fabric used for murals that feels like dryer sheets, 2012.